Running tips by Charne Bosman

Tip 1

Write down an affirmation that describes you, stating it in the present. For example: “I have put in the hard work and I’m ready to take on the challenge. I’m supremely capable of running 42 Kilometres in 5 hours. I’m in great shape and fully prepared for the Old MutualSoweto Marathon.” Use words that express it emphatically and in the positive.
Tip 2

This is the key: State your affirmations out loud, so that they become bold, spoken statements and not get lost in your subconscious chatter. Look yourself in the eye in the mirror and repeat it 10-20 times.
Tip 3

Choose trigger words that describe aspects of the checklist that you’ll be ticking when you’re training and racing. Say these to yourself while you’re running. For instance: “loose”, “smooth”, “easy”, “steady”, “shoulders down”, “relaxed arms”. Come up with ones that suit you and are instantly associated with good technique and strategy.
Tip 4